Maruchu Bussan Co, Ltd. is a joint Thai and Japanese venture based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We develop Japanese agriculture technologies and promote superior life experiences working with organic and quality food producers. Our engineering background is also a big part of our understanding of how to produce organic growing mediums efficiently and cost effectively.
The main driving force behind our business is to improve the quality of the earth and environment that we leave for our children. We are also dedicated to natural sustainability, a healthy natural environment and producing healthy, organic food.
A large part of what we do, therefore, involves introducing farmers to new systems and technologies. Education is at the heart of everything that we do.
Naturally, the bottom line is profit and return on investment. We must make sure that our products and services make financial sense. We are, therefore, working on hybrid farming solutions that help farmers to cover their fixed costs on the farm. This also opens up opportunities to diversify with new strategies such as arranging events and supplying other farm products to community farmers.